Résultats de votre recherche

  • Oki Matsumoto - Independent Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in law de University of Tokyo.
  • Toru Ihara - Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Arts in Educational Pscycology de University of Tokyo.
    Yukio Ito - Corporate Vice President of Global Customer Experience, Connected Car Service - a reçu un Bachelor of Economics in Business Administration de University of Tokyo.
    Nissan Motor - Automobile - Japon
  • Minoru Usui - Chairman of the Board and Representative Director - a reçu un Bachelor of Engineering Sciences de University of Tokyo.
    Seiko Epson - Equipements de bureau - Japon
  • Hironori Kamezawa - Director - a reçu un Master of Science de University of Tokyo.
    Morgan Stanley - Banque - Etats—Unis
  • Tetsuji Ohashi - Chairman of the Board and Representative Director - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Hiroyuki Ogawa - Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - has a Master in Engineering from University of Tokyo and Master in Science Engineering from Stanford University.
  • Masahiro Higashi - Global Chief Operating Officer, Representative Executive Officer, Director, Chairman of Bridgestone Asia Pacific, Chairman and Representative Board Member of Bridgestone Tire Solution Japan, Chairman and Representative Board Member of Bridgestone Cycle - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Bridgestone - Automobile - Japon
  • Tetsuji Ohashi - Outside Director - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Yamaha Motor - Automobile - Japon
  • Koji Arima - Representative Member of the Board, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Degree of Engineering de University of Tokyo.
    Denso - Automobile - Japon
  • Max Blanchet - Senior Managing Director, Global Lead of Supply Chain and Operations Strategy - a reçu un Master in Mathematical Engineering de University of Tokyo.
    Accenture France & Benelux - Service aux entreprises - France
  • Naoki Okamura - Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology de University of Tokyo.
    Atsushi Kitamura - Chief Financial Officer - a reçu un Bachelor in Economics de University of Tokyo.
    Astellas Pharma - Pharmacie - Japon
  • Vinod Purayath - Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer - has a PhD in Quantum Engineering and Science Systems from University of Tokyo and Master of Business Administration from Massachusetts Institute of Technolog.
    Avient - Chimie - Etats—Unis
  • Yoshinori Hirai - President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director - a reçu un Doctoral de University of Tokyo.
    AGC Inc - Matériaux - Japon
  • Tetsuji Ohashi - Director - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Asahi Group - Boissons - Japon
  • Akihiko Takada - Managing Director, Mitsubishi Corporation International and General Manager, London Branch - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
  • Takayuki Morita - Member of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
  • Yoichi Yokozawa - Executive Officer, Corporate Strategy Management - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Tomofumi Hiraku - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Bachelor in Economics de University of Tokyo.
    Mitsubishi Motors - Automobile - Japon
  • Shinichi Tamura - Chairman of the Board - a reçu un Master of Science in Biochemistry de University of Tokyo.
    Nxera Pharma - Pharmacie - Royaume—Uni
  • Mitsuyuki Nakamura - Chief Executive Officer, Dentsu X - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
    Dentsu International - Communication & Ventes - Royaume—Uni
  • Hiroyuki Ogawa - Director - has a Master in Engineering from University of Tokyo and Master in Science Engineering from Stanford University.
    JSW Steel - Métallurgie - Inde
  • Norihiro Suzuki - Chairman, Hitachi Research Institute - a reçu un PhD in Electrical and Electronics Engineering de University of Tokyo.
    Itaru Nishizawa - Vice President and Executive Officer, Chief Technology Officer, General Manager of Research and Development Group, General Manager of Technology Strategy Office - has a PhD in Electrical Engineering from University of Tokyo and Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering from University of Tokyo.
  • Kazuo Tsukahara - Independent Director - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
    Askul - Distribution - Japon
  • Sam Kato - President and Chief Executive Officer (until May 1 2024) - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
  • Mitsuhiro Yamamoto - Executive Chairman of the Board - a reçu un diplôme de University of Tokyo.
  • Yoshiro Hori - Chief Executive Officer, Standard Steel - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Nippon Steel - Métallurgie - Japon
  • Hiroyuki Suzuki - Director - a reçu un Bachelor de University of Tokyo.
    Konica Minolta - Equipements de bureau - Japon

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